Message from Jared Hiner, Founder of Kammy’s Kause

*Article appeared in our 4th Quarter 2012 Newsletter.

Message from Jared Hiner, Founder of Kammy’s Kause

and our First Recipient of the 4p- Innovator Award

Hello everyone.

First and foremost I would like to thank each and every one of you that attended or contributed to this year’s Kammy’s Kause. Because of you we had our most successful event ever! This year was very special for many reasons, the main reason being all of the 4p- families that were able to attend. This was extremely exciting for me as we were able to show the world what we have built right here in Fortville, IN. This was our 9th Annual Kammy’s Kause… crazy to think 9 years have gone by already. I’m not quite sure if all of you fully grasp what we have accomplished in those 9 years but hopefully we all gained a little perspective by the outpouring of support we received from the 4p- Support Group this year. I wanted to make this year a spectacle unlike any previous year… and we did just that. When I motioned for the 2012 4p- National Conference to be held here in Indy back in 2008 I knew what I was getting us in to. I knew that we had several mountains to climb, rivers to cross and uncertainties to erase. We did just that. After 9 years of sweat, tears, blood and sleepless nights I have realized that we are just getting started. For the hugs, smiles and love we receive in return are worth every arduous step we take on this journey together. To exemplify the gratitude for our tireless dedication I accepted the first ever 4p- Innovator Award on behalf of Kammy’s Kause at this year’s National Conference. This is the first award of its kind globally and WE were the recipients. How amazing is that!? So again, THANK YOU to all of you. Without you, this would not be possible. We are very excited to announce that next year, 2013, will be our 10th birthday/anniversary!! So start spreading the word.

Now for the totals: the cost of this year’s event was slightly higher than previous years due to the National Conference taking place here in Indy. That being said, we still surpassed our previous totals. With one final check on its way to headquarters we are sitting at just under $24,000 raised for the 4p- Support Group! Which puts us at over $113,000 raised in our 9 years! To put this into perspective please remember that this Support Group was operating off of roughly $800 a year before we started Kammy’s Kause. We have become the largest 4p- research and support contributor and I fully intend to keep us that way. So please, if you wish to help, do so. Talk to your bosses, businesses, neighbors, friends… WE NEED SPONSORS! Sponsors fund the event so every penny that YOU donate can go directly to the 4p- Support Group. All of the information regarding Sponsors, Silent/Live Auction items, donations and volunteering can be found in the links above. I would like to take this final part of my message and thank a few key people: Aleah Wade, for being the best Event Coordinator anyone could ever ask for; Rob & Lynn Louden, for being amazing parents/grandparents and supporting this crazy idea since it’s conception; Lowell & Kathy Fisher, for man-handling the Merch booth and making the Kidzone better each year; Melissa Hawkins, for staffing and running the entire volunteer department; Ryan Snider, for….well… he is the Godfather and his Sekurity system is pretty much top notch; Zak Crickmore, for our classified reasons; Robby Kendrick, for the amazing kustom bicycle and numerous other things; Sally Kennedy, for simply taking over the Silent Auction and rockstar’ing it; Kammy Wade & Rosie Kendrick, for the always popular hand-made tie-dye shirts; Dave & Amanda Lortz, for always believing in us and ALWAYS supporting us; Fred Catron, for holding our first ever Live Auction; Jeff Cox, for stepping up and putting on the best Kammy’s Ride we’ve ever had; and most importantly, Kamdyn. Without her, none of this would be possible. Thank you my sweet daughter for inspiring me each and every day to be a better person, to help those in need, to be thankful for what I have been blessed with, to love unconditionally without hesitation or question and to always smile. You see, smiling is the most contagious thing in this world. Go ahead, give it a try. Thank you again everyone, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Stay Kind,
Jared Hiner Father, Founder & President, Kammy’s Kause