About Tad

Hey, my name is Tad Tidwell and my wife Sarah & I are proud parents of Paisley. Our little girl Paisley was diagnosed with the rare chromosome deletion syndrome, 4p- or Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome (WHS), in Sarah’s 2nd trimester at which time we were told she was unlikely to survive birth. Paisley was born full-term and despite being tiny required no extended hospital time. Paisley is our little miracle and I mean little-she is now 8 years old and she is really as small as you can see in the photo. Small size is one of the many characteristics of 4p- kids. Paisley is non-verbal and her major form of getting around is scooting, which has ruined more than many pairs of pants! Paisley despite not being a normal kid, is extremely aware of everyone and everything around her. Paisley’s teacher said it best-Paisley knows where everyone is, what they are doing, and even knows what they are “supposed” to be doing. Sarah & I now also have an almost 2 year old girl Ava who is Paisley’s constant buddy. They do not like to be separated from one another and we are excited to see their relationship. So far it has been a beautiful thing. Please contact us if we can help you or your family in any way.